Cold gas plays a very important role in air conditioning, gas shortage will lead to regulate activities not normally be less cold, cool or even shut down.
1 aerating conditioning
A cold air cylinders
First of all, we would like to briefly introduce the principles of operation of the air conditioning. According to Dr. Nguyen Xuan Tien, Hanoi University of Technology, freezers or air conditioners have the same operating principles and is very simple indeed. Machine consists of four main parts: the compressor, condenser, evaporator and expansion valve or capillary flow.
Refrigeration Compressors like compressor to pump car, gas compression refrigeration duty (refrigerant) from the low pressure in the evaporator (cooling coil) to high pressure in the condenser (outdoor unit). In small machines, compressors and electric motors are located in the same iron casing and sealed into a block placed behind the machine. Both blocks are often called block machine.
Evaporator or cooling coil often called is actually the copper pipe or aluminum which cools the gas in it. In cooler, cold gas will boil at lower temperatures and cooling proceed placed in staging products. Boiling point which depends on the temperature cooled. For example, for air conditioning, boiling temperature is about 50C, refrigerator conventional boiling temperature from - 10 to-200C ...
Condenser or outdoor unit is often called, is usually copper or aluminum tubes that go in that cold gas. Here the opposite process of cooling coil, cold gas from state gas (high pressure and high temperature) heat released into the air and turns into a liquid state like water, but at high pressure (similar to the distilling process). Condenser temperature depends on the cooling capacity of the orchestra. The lower the air temperature, good air circulation, the lower the condensing temperature and air conditioning work more efficiently.
nap conditioning station 2
Aerating air
There are certain types of gas for air conditioning
There are many types of gas used for air conditioning but it can be said, on the market today there are two types of gas are used most commonly R22 and R410A.
R22 is CHF2Cl formula, is widely used in air conditioners, air conditioning in the average yield.
Gas R410A is a mixture of two heterogeneous boiling Freon, including 50% R32 and 50% R125. This refrigerant is being widely used in the air conditioning refrigerant is present because not destroy the ozone layer. When using this solvent should be noted: The pressure of R410A stopped about 1.6 times greater than R22 should be thicker copper pipes need to not explode. R410A non-flammable, non-toxic, sustainable chemistry and most corrosive materials.
When you determine your air conditioner when using any kind of gas station instead you will understand more clearly the services of aerating air refrigeration facility you use.
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